
  • 14.5 ounces cánned fire-roásted diced tomátoes (1 cán)
  • 5 chipotle peppers in ádobo sáuce (use 2 peppers for á less spicy version)
  • 2 táblespoons brown sugár (omit for low-cárb version)
  • 1 teáspoon oregáno
  • 1 teáspoon cumin
  • 1 teáspoon smoked pápriká
  • 1 teáspoon sált
  • 1/2 teáspoon pepper
  • 4 gárlic cloves, minced
  • 1 táblespoon fresh lime juice (juice from 1/2 lime)
  • 3 pounds skinless boneless chicken breást


Instánt Pot:
  1. Ádd 1 cán of diced fire roásted tomátoes ánd 5 chipotle peppers to the instánt pot. Másh the peppers up with á rubber spátulá or wooden spoon.   Ádd the minced gárlic, sált, pepper, oregáno, cumin, smoked pápriká, lime juice ánd brown sugár (omit if following á low-cárb diet.)
  2. Stir the mixture, then ádd the chicken breásts. Turn ánd coát the chicken in the tomáto mixture, then close ánd seál up the instánt pot.
  3. Set the instánt pot for 20 minutes of high-pressure cooking ánd set the steám releáse válve to “Seáling.”  Áfter 10 minutes of pressure cooking, the chicken will be fully cooked, but won't necessárily be “shreddáble.”  Át 15 minutes, most of the chicken will shred.  Áfter 20 minutes, the chicken shreds eásily ánd it’s still nice ánd moist.  (This is my personál recommendátion).  Át 30 minutes, the chicken shreds effortlessly, but it could potentiálly be á bit dry.
  4. The instánt pot will áctuálly táke 10-15 minutes to pressurize, then it will cook the chicken for 20 minutes.  Once the time hás reáched zero you cán cárefully releáse the pressure nozzle mánuálly.  Be cáreful of the escáping hot steám.
  5. Remove the lid ánd tránsfer the chicken to á lárge plátter or cutting boárd.
  6. Use two forks to shred the chicken, leáving some of it in smáll chunks so it still hás á little texture.
  7. Use á hánd immersion blender to puree the tomáto mixture left in the instánt pot (or tránsfer to á regulár blender). It should thicken up ánd yield á little over 2 cups of sáuce.
  8. Put chicken in á lárge mixing bowl ánd pour ½ the sáuce over it.
  9. Gently use á spátulá to fold the sáuce into the chicken.   Ádd more sáuce if needed, or use it ás á drizzle on eách individuál serving.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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